Saturday, July 16, 2011

New Fork/Front wheel/Handlebars

Short test ride w/ new front suspension :) 
( skip the first 90 seconds to get to the riding part) ^^;;;;

CVT might be useful in the future... Also cut off some all-thread sticking out the side.  


  1. Very cool, but lead-acid? I know they're cheap, but still. I see you constantly looking back to check traffic. Mirrors are very helpful. My used Tomos came without them and it was the first ten bucks (euro) I spent improving my ride.

    I'm guessing that a higher tech battery would be good in several areas (except for the wallet-lol). You mentioned braking, and of course there's the distance improvement, but I also think they're smaller and could be mounted lower giving you a better (lower) center of gravity?


  2. Thanks for the advice, Tim!

    I also noticed that I'm constantly looking back to check traffic; its a habit I've developed after riding fixed-gear bicycles for the past 6 years. And yes, mirrors will be helpful!

    Also I couldn't agree more when it comes to the batteries. I have plans to invest in new batteries, for reasons you've suggested (longer runtime, better braking power as a result of weight-reduction, reliability, etc.) Right now I'm looking into LiFePO4 battieries: they have an incredibly long cycle life and weigh 2/3 less than lead-acid. They're cheaper than LiPO and apparently safer, as well.

    Stay tuned!

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